Kenya 2013

I left Madison on December 6, 2013, and the weather was 2˚ F.  The thought of being in Kenya during their summer had a lot of appeal as I walked through the snow to catch my bus to Chicago.

I was only able to spend two weeks in Kenya this year.  Because of a health problem, I wasn’t well enough to travel until later in the year, and then I simply had to be home for Christmas.  I think of Kenya as my second home and my friends in Kenya as my extended family, but I had to return to the U.S. to be with my immediate family for the holidays.

The trip was fun and successful.  The programs were as follows:

1.     Tuition.  OWIK was able to donate money for tuitions.  The children are a deep concern to me, and their education is so important.  But conditions are against them.  Tuition and school fees continue to be huge issues for families.   The Totes for Tuition continue to generate income for tuitions.

2.     Glasses.  Something as inexpensive as a pair of reading glasses from a dollar store was the most successful program this year.  These glasses changed lives.

3.     Women’s Group.  This is the first time that OWIK donated money to help a women’s group.  These women do not have enough money to start a business so they have been pooling their money each month, and when there’s enough money in the pool, a woman is chosen to start a business.  This may be as small as a vegetable stand, for example.  The other women will help her and give her advice.  There are about fifteen women in this group, and the program is working.

4.     Art.  OWIK delivered art supplies to the artists, and paid one year’s rent for a small art studio.  The artists needed a place to work, store their supplies and give lessons to the children.  After years of not receiving any recognition for their art, they are finally making progress.  Some of them have been generating income with their art, and this year OWIK paid for a lesson plan.  CathyJean Clark, a printmaker and art teacher, generously prepared   the lesson  and has given the artists feedback on their lesson.  She has agreed to prepare another lesson for them.

Because of the health issue I mentioned, my program was not as extensive as I had hoped.  However, it did “help in small ways.”  My deepest thanks to all of you who helped to make this trip possible.  I simply could not do it without you!

My plans for 2014 include a return trip in September.  I’m already excited about it!

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